Friday, March 03, 2006

Iraq Death Toll Hits Another Ugly Milestone

U.S. Soldiers Killed in Iraq: 2,300
WMDs: Zero

See Iraq Coalition Casualty Count for updated details

1 comment:

Mercy Now said...

I have to admit that I was for the war b/c the case made was there were WMD. I told my Republican friends that we MUST find those WMDs. Since there's no evidence of it, I've become more skeptical of this administration. The thing that drives me most crazy is not the screw ups lately like Katrina, NSA, or UAE deal (while I'm quite upset about these) but that this admin insists that they are right and that no one can question them, not even his own party. Unchecked power is never a good thing which is why we have the three branches of govt.