Is it a conspiracy or a coincidence? There is a long and tangled history between the Bush family and the elite of Saudi Arabia.[Perhaps this explains why Osama bin Laden "slipped away" when cornered at Tora Bora in Afghanistan and why he has not been killed or captured in Pakistan.It begins in the 1970's in Houston, Texas, when George W. Bush was just starting out in his family's two businesses of politics and oil. The powerful - and very rich - Bin Laden family helped fund his first venture into oil.
The cozy friendship continued for decades. After a terrorist attack at a barracks in Saudi Arabia which killed 19 Americans, the bin Laden family received a multi-billion dollar contract to re-build. And incredibly, George Bush Sr. was in a business meeting at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Washington on the morning of September 11th with one of Osama Bin Laden's brothers.
The close relationship between the Bush and bin Laden families may also explain why Bush facilitated the exodus of bin Laden relatives living in the U.S., allowing them to fly on private jets to Saudi Arabia in the days following 9/11 with only cursory FBI interviews.]