George Bush finally made good on his pledge to be a uniter, not a divider. Tired of years of lies, hypocrisy, cronyism, bullying and corruption, voters went to the polls Tuesday, united in their determination to toss the rascal Republicans out of office.
In the biggest turnabout since the GOP took control of Congress in 1994 with a Contract On America, voters from red and blue states alike punished Republican incumbents for supporting President Bush's "Stay the Course" policy on the Iraq quagmire.
While the unprovoked war was uppermost on many voters' minds, they probably were also disgusted with tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations, which shifted more of the tax burden to middle class and working class wage-earners. Voters may also remember that Bill Clinton left office with a budget surplus, one that Bush quickly turned into the largest federal deficit in history.
The fact that Bush, for five years, slashed funds needed to strengthen levies in New Orleans, as part of his lame effort to pay down his tax cut and war deficit, probably didn't help. Nor did the abysmal federal response to Hurricane Katrina, which in large part was a result of Bush appointing incompetents to important posts, using the government as a patronage machine.
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